Enliven Health & Wellness is dedicated to helping others overcome life challenges by using a multi-disciplinary approach. Our extensive expertise can be categorized into the following specialties:

Mental Health & Addiction
Women’s Comprehensive Care
Workplace Wellness

Welcome to Enliven Health & Wellness, LLC, an affiliate of Enliven Resources, LLC. We provide supportive, comprehensive, and superior clinical services for children, adolescents, adults, couples, families, loved ones, and employers.

We understand the importance of working holistically – focusing on the individual along with the people and influences that impact their life (family, school, employer, other medical professions) to ensure the most effective treatment and the best outcome.


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Grief Recovery Method

People will say that you have to let go and move on with your life, but they don’t tell you what you need to do to accomplish that.


Mindfulness Series

This is a series of interactive classes to help introduce people to the benefits of mindfulness and meditation.



Slow flow yoga is a mixture of vinyasa and hatha yoga that involves holding poses for longer, making it a more meditative style of practice.


Curabitur ullamcorper massa justo, sed posuere massa varius id. Mauris lobortis enim ut felis porttitor, eu mattis turpis rhoncus. Phasellus nec orci vitae urna interdum feugiat. Vivamus turpis mi, mattis ut pharetra ac, eleifend ut leo. Vivamus et hendrerit lacus, sit amet ullamcorper est.

Online Payments

Praesent vel euismod metus, at iaculis odio. Morbi neque metus, bibendum quis varius eget, faucibus vel purus. Aenean auctor aliquam arcu, id tincidunt justo. Sed lacus leo, dignissim a sem sed, aliquet efficitur metus.